Saturday, January 14, 2012

Blog #7 Music Has Shaped Me; Music Has Made Me Real

In everyone’s life there comes a time when they have to put aside the bad times and find something to make them happy. In my life, that beautiful something came to me already, and it’s called music. Music has shaped me; music has made me real. I don’t think that I would be able to express any of my feelings if I didn’t have the music to express them for me. It’s easy for me to be myself because I have the lyrics and melody that I can relate to and feel connected with.

There’s one song in particular that when I first listened to it I was immediately in love. The song is Someday by The Strokes. Normally the music I would say I relate to is romantic and just downright pathetic, but this song means more than that. The song ultimately means that he, (the singer), needs to slow down his life and remember the days when he was happy. It also means that he wants to turn the tables and try harder to be okay with himself. The line in the song I think sticks out for me the most is, “When we was young, oh man, did we have fun. Always, always. Promises, they break before they’re made. Sometimes, sometimes.” The reasons I think I connect with this song so much is because on occasion I forget to remember when I was a little girl, and sometimes I forget to be thankful for my family and friends. This song makes me reflect back and think about what it was like to be little, thoughtless, and excited all the time.

Music has allowed me the once in a lifetime opportunity to live forever. When I listen to music, I’m lifted up and turned into a completely different person. There are songs that make me sad, but then again, life is about feeling things, and sadness just happens to be one of those emotions you can’t avoid! I also listen to a lot of happy songs, and one of them is, Do You Realize by The Flaming Lips. I absolutely adore this song because it’s so perfect when you need a lift up or a kick down. There aren’t enough words to describe how this song makes me feel or what the song even means. But, I do know that the lines that mean the most to me are, “Do you realize- that you have the most beautiful face? Do you realize- we’re floating in space? Do you realize- that happiness makes you cry? Do you realize- that everyone you know will someday die? And instead of saying all of your goodbyes- let them know. You realize that life goes fast. It’s hard to make the good things last.” Those lyrics are words that I live by because they are completely true. Everyone needs to realize that they’re beautiful and beauty is not only on the outside but also can be reflected on the inside. People need to understand that death isn’t something you should be afraid of, but instead should be looked at as freedom for those who have lived their life as much as they can because “life goes fast…and… it’s hard to make the good things last.” I think that everyone should say how he or she feels. So don’t say goodbye; instead, say that you will meet again someday. The world is a messy place, but music gives me the ability to clean it all up. 

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