Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Blog #12 My Fashion "Two-Sense"

Individuality, for me, has come from various topics, people, and experience, but one of the main things that has driven me to become my own person, is fashion. In an article from, , there is argument over peer pressure and making a social statement.  It is a short article, but it grasped me because I’ve always looked at fashion in a good, self-creating way, but this article forced me to look beyond that. The first thing this article pinpoints is how fashion can make a social statement. It goes into further detail of how a person can create their own identity based on the clothing they wear. The article also talks about the pros and cons of fashion, and how it is shaping society.

Identity and self-reflection is often a factor when putting together one of my outfits. The pros of fashion are that it gives me the opportunity to show who I am. I know that if someone were to ask me who else takes part in flaunting his or her style, I’d immediately answer, Lady GaGa. Though I am not a fan of Lady GaGa, I will admit that I admire her for her style and ability to see past what others might view her as. I’ve found it rather easy to put together outfits that reflect how I’m feeling or who I am in general. I think if I were to put my style into a category, I’d call it Boho Sheek. I know that “boho” and “sheek” are words that people make fun of a lot of the time, but in all honesty, that’s exactly the type of clothes I wear. I never really try too hard to impress people with my clothes, but at the same time I feel that I try and look classy and elegant too.

Above, I mentioned Lady GaGa and her impact on me because of her style. I had stated that I admired her for her ability to overlook other’s thoughts and do what she wanted instead. Celebrities are of great influence to me. Celebrities set fashion trends in the “Hollywood” world that teenagers like to copy with a hint of their own style. Without celebrities there would be a lack of a large majority of trendsetters. There are a lot of businesses created by celebrities showing their own personal style, and without those businesses, that style would not be shown.

There are many cons to fashion, but the ones of most importance to me in particular, are peer pressure and the rebellious acts brought out by fashion. In a teenager’s life there are many times of pressure, and the provoking thoughts brought to someone because of parents, classmates, and even teachers. Many kids like the sense of freedom and often instead of being admired for having a look to call their own, kids are ridiculed because of the outfits of their choice. These kids could feel stressed and humiliated to the point of even an extreme like suicide. Rebellion is an aspect of a child’s life turned to when they feel the need to break out of their comfort zone and attempt a new way of life. When what that child is doing becomes frowned upon, they could feel moved to do it more, furthermore causing issues. For example, if a certain type of family believes that it is more appropriate to wear uniforms to school as opposed to a different outfit every day, the child in that family might feel persuaded to break the rules and do what they choose.

It’s difficult for me to create a cons perspective on fashion. I’ve never looked at expressing myself through clothing as bad thing because I rely on my clothes to tell a story each and every day. Fashion is a way of self-expression and should be something people can use to their advantage. This has been the pros and cons of fashion, and now you know my fashion “two sense.”


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