Monday, January 9, 2012

Blog #4 Wild vs Sophisticated

I live my life only to be different. The idea of being average or ordinary is probably my worst fear. I don't know for sure, but I hope that if you asked people they would say I'm creative and unique. It's difficult for me to understand why people would want to be just like everyone else. I couldn't imagine wanting to live any longer if someone perceived me as, "just another girl that acts the same as everyone else does." I wouldn't say I'm wild, but I would say I'm passionate about life. My passion for being creative and being everything I wish I could be, has pushed me so far through my life.
Recently, at my George School and Pennington interviews people have asked me what I can bring to their schools. The only answer I could come up with was that no matter what, I will always support my friends into being exactly whom they are, not to hold anything back, and that self-reflection is the key to knowing who you are. 
My pictures represent my two sides. During every day life I find myself wanting to break free from the social norms, and escape the cage I like to call, "school." The picture of me in the tiger costume (also referred to as my Halloween Costume) represents my wild side and the side of me that is dying to break free. It shows outrage, and beams every ounce of self-reflection I could come up with. The other side of the picture is my more sophisticated look. My curls, red lipstick, and shirt that is much more mature in comparison to the tiger snuggy, all show the side of me that holds things back. I have trouble showing my feelings sometimes, and that picture shows exactly what it's like. In the photo I'm not smiling or moving at all, and the tension in my face shows my willingness to be FREE.


  1. This is great I think being average is boring also. You are different and cool This writing suits you really well it also sounds like you. Great job!

  2. Average is boring and doesnt show true personality. Nice job on writing. I felt connected to a lot of the statements you said. Nice pics as well.
